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I taught in the interdisciplinary Environmental Studies Program at Prescott College for 29 years, where my courses focused on natural history, ecology, conservation biology, environmental policy, and the linkages between social and environmental justice, and between ecological and emotional health.  The college is located in the Mogollon Highlands of Arizona, a region of incredible biological, geologic, topographic, and cultural diversity. In addition to field courses throughout this remarkable set of landscapes, my teaching took my students and I to the Gulf of California, Alaska, the Colorado Plateau, and the Gulf of Maine.  I consider teaching to be my primary craft.


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Courses I Taught at Prescott College:

Advanced Seminar in Conservation Biology

Coastal Ecology of the Gulf of California

Conservation Biology

Field Biology Studies: Colorado Plateau

Human Ecology

Humans in Place: Natural and Cultural History of Maine's Coastal Islands 

Ideologies of Nature

Integrating Social and Ecological Perspectives   (see Solstice Manifesto written by this class in 2012)

Island Biogeography: Seabirds and Plants

Natural History and Ecology of the Southwest

Natural History of Alaska

Nature and Psyche

Nature’s Voice: Reading and Writing About Natural History

Park and Wilderness Management

Seabird Ecology and Island Biogeography

Topics in Geography: Alaska

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Writings on Teaching and Education:

Fleischner, T.L. 2017.  Learning from the source.  Pan European Networks: Science and Technology 24: 1-2.    [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. R.E. Espinoza, G. Gerrish, H.W. Greene, R.W. Kimmerer, E.A. Lacey, S. Pace, J.K. Parrish, H. Swain, S. Trombulak, S. Weisberg, D.W. Winkler, and L. Zander.  2017.  Teaching biology in the field: Importance, challenges, and solutions. BioScience  67 (6): 558-567.  DOI 10.1093/biosci/bix036.

Fleischner, T.L., T. Wessels, R.E. Grumbine, and S. Weisberg.  2013.  Toward transformative natural history education: a few principles.  Journal of Natural History Education and Experience 7: 1-3.     [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. and S. Weisberg. 1992. Teaching for nature: filling the need for natural history in experiential education. Clearing 74: 36-37.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1990. Integrating science and passion in conservation education.Conservation Biology 4(4): 452-453. [pdf]

(See other writings in Publications)
