I've been involved in several major initiatives focusing on the revitalization of natural history--
"the practice of intentional, focused attentiveness to the more-than-human world, guided by honesty and accuracy"
Natural History Institute
I was the founding Executive Director of the Natural History Institute, which promotes an integrative approach to natural history--demonstrating that natural history is larger than science alone. Indeed, one way I've defined natural history is as "the practice of falling in love with the world." Our mission: The Natural History Institute provides leadership and resources for a revitalized practice of natural history that integrates art, science, and humanities to promote the health and well-being of humans and the rest of the natural world. I am now the Institute’s Senior Advisor & Director Emeritus.
The Institute began as a program of Prescott College in 2012 and became an independent, nonprofit organization in 2017.
My short article, “Natural History As a Practice of Kinship”: pdf
My short article, "Natural History - Here and Now": pdf
The Importance of Field Studies
I was the Principal Investigator on a National Science Foundation project to reverse the growing trend away from field studies in biology and ecology education. This on-going project, "The Decline in Field Studies: Proactive Strategies for Essential Training for the Next Generation of Biological Researchers," convened a working group of practitioners from a wide variety of institutions to assess these trends, their possible causes, and to suggest strategies to revitalize field studies in American higher education. Where else better to learn how living systems work than in the field, directly immersed in nature? We published a paper, "Teaching Biology in the Field: Importance, Challenges, and Solutions," in BioScience, as well as a short video and several other products. You can access much of this work here.
The Natural History Initiative
With my colleagues Josh Tewksbury and Kirsten Rowell, I was a Principal Investigator on this project--funded by the National Science Foundation (a collaborative grant to the University of Washington and Prescott College) and the University of Washington College of the Environment, with additional support from Prescott College, Canon-USA, and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. We convened four gatherings of prominent and upcoming naturalists of diverse backgrounds--research scientists, visual artists, poets, psychologists, and more--to consider pathways toward revitalization of natural history in the 21st century.
The Natural Histories Project
A direct outcome of the Natural History Initiative, this exciting media project, developed by the creative talents of Benjamin Drummond and Sara Joy Steele of bdsjs.com, documents conversations between naturalists at these gatherings, in audio clips accompanied by black & white photography. This project has been featured at the annual conference of the Ecological Society of America and at the Wild and Scenic Film Festival.
My Writings on the Importance of Natural History:
Fleischner, T.L. 2025 [on-line Sept 2024]. The enduring and elemental importance of natural history. The Ecological Citizen 8(1): 43-51. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L. 2024. Revealing and Reveling In the Story of Nature. Pages 129-142 in B.A. Minteer and J.B. Losos, eds. Heart of the Wild: Essays on Nature, Ecology, and the Human Future. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L. 2021. Natural history as a practice of kinship. In: Gavin Van Horn, Robin Wall Kimmerer, and John Hausdoerffer, eds. Kinship: Belonging In a World of Relations, Vol. 5, Practice. Center for Humans and Nature Press, Libertyville, IL. [pdf] [info on kinship series]
McKeon, S., L. Weber, A.J. Adams, and T.L. Fleischner. 2020. Human Dimensions: Natural History As the Innate Foundation of Ecology. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101(1): 1-7. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L. 2019. Natural history as a practice of kinship. Minding Nature 12(3): 12-15. [pdf]
Sewall, L. and T.L. Fleischner. 2019. Why ecopsychology needs natural history. Ecopsychology 11: 78-80. [pdf]
Trombulak, S.C. and T.L. Fleischner. 2018. The natural history renaissance continues. Journal of Natural History Education and Experience 12: 1-4. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L. 2017. Our Deepest Affinity. Pages 3-15 in T.L. Fleischner, ed. Nature, Love, Medicine: Essays on Wildness and Wellness. Torrey House Press, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Fleischner, T.L., editor. 2017. Nature, Love, Medicine: Essays on Healing in Wildness. Torrey House Press, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Fleischner, T.L. 2017. Our Deepest Affinity. Pages 3-15 in T.L. Fleischner, ed. Nature, Love, Medicine: Essays on Healing in Wildness. Torrey House Press, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Fleischner, T.L. 2017. Natural history--here and now. Pan European Networks: Science and Technology 25: 1-2. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L., A. Sunseri, K. Clute, L. Dowling, D. Goehring, A. Gosnell, R. Haaversen, E. Healy, C. Lozenich, J.D. Mobley, J. Tinnin, and G. Whol. 2015. Lessons of the wild: nature and psyche in the Escalante Canyons. Ecopsychology 7(1): 4-6. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L. 2014. An invitation to attentiveness and imagination. Questions for a Resilient Future series, Center for Humans & Nature. http://www.humansandnature.org/earth-ethic---thomas-lowe-fleischner-response-97.php.
Fleischner, T.L., T. Wessels, R.E. Grumbine, and S. Weisberg. 2013. Toward transformative natural history education: a few principles. Journal of Natural History Education and Experience 7: 1-3. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L. 2012. Natural history: the taproot of ecology. Pages 20-21 in R. Sagarin and A. Pauchard, eds. Observation and ecology: broadening the scope of science to understand a complex world. Island Press, Washington, D.C. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L. 2011. Why natural history matters. Journal of Natural History Education and Experience 5: 21-24. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L., editor. 2011. The Way of Natural History. Trinity University Press, San Antonio, Texas.
Fleischner, T.L. 2011. The mindfulness of natural history. Pages 3-15 in T.L. Fleischner, ed. The Way of Natural History. Trinity University Press, San Antonio, TX. [pdf]
Trombulak, S.C. and T.L. Fleischner. 2007. Natural history renaissance. Journal of Natural History Education 1: 1-4. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L. 2005. Natural history and the deep roots of resource management.Natural Resources Journal 45: 1-13. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L. 2001. Natural history and the spiral of offering. Wild Earth 11 (3/4)[Fall/Winter]: 10-13. [pdf]
Fleischner, T.L. 1999. Revitalizing natural history. Wild Earth 9(2) [Summer]: 81-89. [pdf]
(See other writings in Publications)