
Fleischner, T.L., editor. 2017. Nature, Love, Medicine: Essays on Wildness and Wellness. Torrey House Press, Salt Lake City, Utah.

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“A sigh of relief, a blessing from some of the continent’s most beautiful writers, a cooling breeze for an over-heated time – Tom Fleischner’s new anthology is a pleasure, start to finish.”

-- Kathleen Dean Moore, author of Piano Tide and Great Tide Rising


In Nature, Love, Medicine, nearly two dozen writers, poets, scientists, and healers reflect on what loving and needing nature really means to them.  Read it, and you’ll be stirred to ask the same of your own reflection – in the clearest, quietest pool you can find.    

-- Alan Weisman, author, The World Without Us and Countdown


Nature, Love, Medicine is a beautiful collaboration that brings together diverse perspectives.... While each offering is unique and each voice tells a specific story, a common passion and sense of beauty unites the book and transcends any expectations.... Each contributor's love for the natural world is apparent and, more important, infectious. Readers will be inspired to renew their connection to the living world and attempt to rejuvenate their bodies and minds.

-- Booklist

[flier pdf]     [Booklist review]

--Named a Finalist in the ForeWord INDIES Book of the Year Awards (Nature category)

“For wherever you may be on your path as an ecologist, this book will make you think, laugh, cry, and feel the beauty and painful truths of who you are as a human being on this earth and the relevance of the science that you do. And it will inspire you to dig into your own wellspring of wisdom to make ecological leaps."

Cristina Eisenberg, Ecology 

Fleischner, T.L., editor. 2011. The Way of Natural History.  Trinity University Press, San Antonio, Texas.  

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"Natural history and mindfulness are two surfaces of the same leaf, a seamless merging of attentiveness outward and inward, toward the interwoven realms of nature and psyche.  For some people, the window is clearer looking outward; for others, it’s easier to look within.  But regardless what is being attended, the practice of mindful attention is very much the same, and the two practices are fully complementary." 

--from The Way of Natural History

 [flier pdf]     [Gary Paul Nabhan review in Bloomsbury Review]

Awarded Honorable Mention in the ForeWord Book of the Year Awards (BOTYA)

in the Nature category (also a finalist in the Anthologies category)

On the "Best of Science" short list in Wall Street Journal


Fleischner, T.L., with photographs by L. Niemeyer. 2005. Desert Wetlands.    University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. [flier pdf]  [excerpt pdf] [excerpt 2 pdf]

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"Homo sapiens wounds the world with greater ferocity than any other being.  Yet at the heart of our nature dwells a psyche with two capacities.  We are wired not just for destruction, but for healing, grace, and compassion.  From this deeply rooted potential, then—evident in the tenderness of a parent for child, the offering of food to the homeless, or the inclination to stare into the throat of a wildflower for the simple sensation of beauty—we can take heart and justly feel hope.  Remembering that our bodies are built of clear water, borrowed from the fluid of earth, is a place to start."

--from Desert Wetlands


Fleischner, T.L. 1999. Singing Stone: A Natural History of the Escalante Canyons. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. [flier pdf]  [excerpts pdf]

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"There is no substitute for time spent in the canyons, on the slickrock.  Listening to the ringing we call silence, or the shifting song we call a river.  If this book proves to be a worthy companion for your own Escalante wanderings, it will have been a success.  May you step softly and hear fully.  These canyons have more to teach than we can learn.  The most we can do is enter with respect, be ready to receive, and--perhaps--emerge in love."

--from Singing Stone: A Natural History of the Escalante Canyons


Selected Articles and Book Chapters

Fleischner, T.L. 2025 [on-line Sept 2024]. The enduring and elemental importance of natural history. The Ecological Citizen 8(1): 43-51. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 2024. Revealing and Reveling In the Story of Nature. Pages 129-142 in B.A. Minteer and J.B. Losos, eds. The Heart of the Wild: Essays on Nature, Conservation, and the Human Future. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L., M.L. Floyd, J. Rack, D. Hanna, K. Blevins, B. Christman, A.T. Holycross.  2024.  The Mogollon Highlands Ecoregion of the American Southwest: A Neglected Center of Ecological Diversity.  Natural Areas Journal 44(2): 104-119. [pdf] [cover, photo by TLF]

DellaSalla, D.A., A.L. Kuchy, M. Koopman, K. Menke, T.L. Fleischner, and M. L. Floyd.  2023. An Ecoregional Conservation Assessment for Forests and Woodlands of the Mogollon Highlands Ecoregion, Northcentral Arizona and Southwestern New Mexico, USA.  Land 12, 2112. land12122112. [pdf

Fleischner, T.L. 2021. Natural history as a practice of kinship. In: G. Van Horn, R.W. Kimmerer, and J. Hausdoerffer, eds. Kinship: Belonging In a World of Relations, Vol. 5, Practice. Center for Humans and Nature Press, Libertyville, IL. [pdf] [info on kinship series]

Fleischner, T.L. 2020. Encountering openness.  Pages 92-94 in Gary Paul Nabhan, ed.  The Nature of Desert Nature.  University of Arizona Press, Tucson. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. and L. Sewall. 2020. Toward reciprocity in healing: Introduction to the special issue. Ecopsychology 12: 159-161. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. and L. Sewall. 2020. Guest Editors, Ecopsychology, Special Issue on Reciprocal Healing: Nature, Health, and Wild Vitality (Volume 12, No. 3).

Fleischner, T.L. 2020. Historia Naturalis: Inspiring ecology. Journal of Natural History Education and Experience 14: 1-2. (This article is the introduction to a special series, Historia Naturalis, that derived from a session at the 2019 annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America; this pdf includes all seven articles in the series.)

Fleischner, T.L. 2020. Foreword: Welcome to the new golden age. Pages xi-xii in: John Seibert Farnsworth. Nature Beyond Solitude: Notes From the Field. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY. [pdf]

McKeon, S., L. Weber, A.J. Adams, and T.L. Fleischner. 2020. Human dimensions: Natural history as the innate foundation of ecology. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101(1): 1-7. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 2019. Natural history as a practice of kinship.  Minding Nature 12(3): 12-15. [pdf]

Sewall, L. and T.L. Fleischner.  2019.  Why ecopsychology needs natural history.  Ecopsychology 11: 78-80. [pdf] [pdf, Spanish translation: Historia Natural-Ecosicología]

Trombulak, S.C. and T.L. Fleischner. 2018.  The natural history renaissance continues. Journal of Natural History Education and Experience 12: 1-4.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L., D. Hanna, and L. Floyd-Hanna. 2017.  A preliminary description of the Mogollon Highlands Ecoregion.  The Plant Press [Arizona Native Plant Society; Fall]: 3-6.    [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 2017. Our Deepest Affinity.  Pages 3-15 in T.L. Fleischner, ed.  Nature, Love, Medicine: Essays on Wildness and Wellness. Torrey House Press, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Fleischner, T.L. 2017.  Natural history--here and now.  Pan European Networks: Science and Technology 25: 1-2.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 2017.  Learning from the source.  Pan European Networks: Science and Technology 24: 1-2.    [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. R.E. Espinoza, G. Gerrish, H.W. Greene, R.W. Kimmerer, E.A. Lacey, S. Pace, J.K. Parrish, H. Swain, S. Trombulak, S. Weisberg, D.W. Winkler, and L. Zander.  2017.  Teaching biology in the field: Importance, challenges, and solutions. BioScience  67 (6): 558-567.  [pdf] [cover, photo by TLF]

Fleischner, T.L.  2017.  The Grace of Wildness. Pages 98-102 in S. Trimble, ed.  Red Rock Stories. Torrey House Press, Salt Lake City.  [pdf]

Pace, S., T.L. Fleischner, S Weisberg, and A. Moline. 2017.  Saying Yes to Environmental Field Studies: A Guide to Proactive, Successful Administration and Operations.  Natural History Institute, Prescott, Arizona (available at:

Fleischner, T.L.  2016.  The Grace of Wildness. Pages 54-55 in S. Trimble, ed.  Red Rock Testimony.  Limited edition chapbook for members of U.S. Congress, in partnership with Torrey House Press, Salt Lake City.    [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L.  2016.  “In the Palace of Rot” (p. 119);  and, “From: Field Notes” (p. 204).  In: N. Brodie, C. Goodrich, and F.J. Swanson, eds.  Forest Under Story: A Decade of Creative Inquiry in an Old Growth Forest.  University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Fleischner, T.L., A. Sunseri, K. Clute, L. Dowling, D. Goehring, A. Gosnell, R. Haaversen, E. Healy, C. Lozenich, J.D. Mobley, J. Tinnin, and G. Whol.  2015.  Lessons of the wild: nature and psyche in the Escalante Canyons.  Ecopsychology 7(1): 4-6.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L.  2014.  An invitation to attentiveness and imagination.  Questions for a Resilient Future series, Center for Humans & Nature.

Beschta, R.L., D.L. Donahue, D.A. DellaSala, J.J. Rhodes, J.R. Karr, M.H. O'Brien, T.L. Fleischner, and C. Deacon Williams.  2014.  Reducing livestock effects on public lands in the western United States as the climate changes: a reply to Svejcar et al.  Environmental Management 53(6):1039-1042.  DOI 10.1007/s00267-014-0263-5.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L., T. Wessels, R.E. Grumbine, and S. Weisberg.  2013.  Toward transformative natural history education: a few principles.  Journal of Natural History Education and Experience 7: 1-3.     [pdf]

Beschta, R.L, D.A. DellaSala, D.L. Donahue, J.J. Rhodes, J.R. Karr, M.H. O’Brien, T.L. Fleischner, and C. Deacon-Williams.  2013.  Adapting to climate change on Western public lands: addressing the impacts of domestic, wild and feral ungulates. Environmental Management 51: 474-491DOI 10.1007/s00267-012-9964-9.     [pdf]

Floyd, M.L., D.D. Hanna, T.L. Fleischner, and B. Shattuck.  2012.  Revisiting trends in vegetation recovery following protection from grazing, Chaco Culture National Historic Park, New Mexico.  Pages 83-92 in C. van Riper, III, M. Villareal, C. van Riper, and M. Johnson, eds.  The Colorado Plateau V.  University of Arizona Press, Tucson.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 2012.  Natural history: the taproot of ecology.  Pages 20-21 in R. Sagarin and A. Pauchard, eds.  Observation and ecology: broadening the scope of science to understand a complex world.  Island Press, Washington, D.C.     [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L.  2011.  Why natural history matters.  Journal of Natural History Education and Experience 5: 21-24.     [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L.  2011.  The mindfulness of natural history.  Pages 3-15 in T.L. Fleischner, ed. The Way of Natural History.  Trinity University Press, San Antonio, TX.     [pdf]  [pdf, Spanish translation:  El Mindfulness de la Historia Natural]

Jones, A.L., E. Aumack, J. Balsom, P. Beier, J. Belnap, J. Catlin, T.L. Fleischner, E. Grumbine, D.J. Mattson, and C. van Riper III.   2010.  The legacy and future visions of conservation biology on the Colorado Plateau. Pages 1-20 in C. van Riper III, B.K. Wakeling, and T.D. Sisk, eds. The Colorado Plateau IV: Conservation Through Integration of Research with Natural and Cultural Resources Management..  University of Arizona Press, Tucson.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L.  2010.  Livestock grazing and wildlife conservation in the American West: historical, policy, and conservation biology perspectives.  Pages 235-265 in J. DuToit, R. Kock, and J. Deutsch, eds.  Wild Rangelands: Conserving Wildlife While Maintaining Livestock in Semi-Arid Ecosystems.  Zoological Society of London/ Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK.  [pdf]

Fleischner. T.L. and H.R. Gates. 2009.  Shorebird use of Estero Santa Cruz, Sonora, Mexico: abundance, diversity, and conservation implications.  Waterbirds 32(1): 36-43. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L.  2008.  Extinction. Pages 344-347 in V. Parrillo, ed.  Encyclopedia of Social Problems.  Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California.  [pdf]

Trombulak, S.C. and T.L. Fleischner.  2007.  Natural history renaissance.  Journal of Natural History Education 1: 1-4.  [pdf

Fleischner, T.L. 2005. Natural history and the deep roots of resource management.Natural Resources Journal 45: 1-13. [pdf]

Trombulak, S.C., K.S. Omland, J.A. Robinson, J.J. Lusk, T.L. Fleischner, G. Brown, and M. Domroese. 2004. Principles of conservation biology: Recommended guidelines for conservation literacy from the Education Committee of the Society for Conservation Biology. Conservation Biology 18: 1180-1190. [pdf]

Floyd, M.E., T.L. Fleischner, D. Hanna, and P. Whitefield. 2003. Effects of historic livestock grazing on vegetation at Chaco Culture National Historic Park, New Mexico.Conservation Biology 17: 1703-1711. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 2003. Diversity deep and wild. Conservation Biology 17: 952-953. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L.  2002.  Land held hostage: A history of livestock and politics.  Pages 33-38 in G. Wuerthner and M. Matteson, eds.  Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction of the American West.  Island Press, Washington, D.C.  []

Fleischner, T.L. 2001. Natural history and the spiral of offering. Wild Earth 11 (3/4)[Fall/Winter]: 10-13. [pdf]

White, R., T.L. Fleischner, and S.C. Trombulak.  2000.  The status of undergraduate education in conservation biology.  Education Committee, Report to the Board of Governors, Society for Conservation Biology.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1999. Revitalizing natural history. Wild Earth 9(2) [Summer]: 81-89. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1999. Keeping the cows off: conservation of riparian areas in the American West. In T.H. Ricketts and 11 co-editors, Terrestrial Ecoregions of North America: A Conservation Assessment. Island Press/World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D.C.     [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1998. Grazing practices. Pages 319-320 in Peter Calow, ed. The Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environmental Management. Blackwell Science, London.

Fleischner, T.L. 1998. Cryptogamic soil crust. Page 167 in Peter Calow, ed. The Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environmental Management. Blackwell Science, London.

Fleischner, T.L. 1996. Livestock grazing: Reply to Brown and McDonald. Conservation Biology 10: 927-929.   [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1996. To search and search again: On the practice of environmental research. Whole Terrain 5: 21-25.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1995. Grazing and advocacy. Conservation Biology 9: 235-236.   [pdf

Fleischner, T.L., D.E. Brown, A.Y. Cooperrider, W.B. Kessler, and E.L. Painter. 1994. Society for Conservation Biology Position Statement: Livestock Grazing on Public Lands in the United States of America. Society for Conservation Biology Newsletter 1(4): 2-3. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1994. Ecological costs of livestock grazing in western North America.Conservation Biology 8: 629-644. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. and S. Weisberg. 1993. Tidewater to timberline, forest to steppe: natural history of the Greater North Cascades Ecosystem. Pages 4-21 in M. Friedman and P. Lindholt, eds. Cascadia Wild: Protecting an International Ecosystem. Greater Ecosystem Alliance, Bellingham, Washington.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. and M.F. Riegner. 1993. Winter birds of Bahia Kino, Central Gulf of California Coast, Sonora, Mexico. Ecologica [Mexico]3: 29-34.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1992. Preservation is not enough: The need for courage in wilderness management. Pages 236-253 in S.I. Zeveloff, L.M. Vause, and W.H. McVaugh, eds.Wilderness Tapestry: An Eclectic Approach to Preservation. University of Nevada Press, Reno.   [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. and S. Weisberg. 1992. Teaching for nature: filling the need for natural history in experiential education. Clearing 74: 36-37.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1990. Integrating science and passion in conservation education.Conservation Biology 4(4): 452-453. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1990. In praise and defense of biodiversity. The Trumpeter 7(3): 116-118.     [pdf]

Book Reviews

Fleischner, T.L.  2016.  The past as ecological prelude.  Book review: Biodiversity conservation and environmental change: using palaeoecology to manage dynamic landscapes in the Anthropocene.  Ecology 97(3): 812-813.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 2004. The book of hope: review of The last refuge: patriotism, politics, and the environment in an age of terror. Conservation Biology 18: 1694-1695. [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1997. Book review: Beyond the rangeland conflict: Toward a West that works. Journal of Wildlife Management 61: 582-584.  [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1996. Book review: Fundamentals of Conservation Biology.Conservation Biology 10: 692-693.

Fleischner, T.L. 1994. Book review: Wilderness of the Southwest and The Masked Bobwhite Rides Again. Western Historical Quarterly 25: 534-535.

Fleischner, T.L. 1991. Book review: The Practical Ornithologist. Quarterly Review of Biology 66 (2): 218.

Other Literary Writings 

Fleischner,T.L. 2001. Three Songs From Slickrock. Pages 133-140 in John A. Murray, ed. American Nature Writing 2001. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis. [pdf]

Bishop, M. and T.L. Fleischner, co-editors. 1999. "Nature and Psyche" Special Issue,Alligator Juniper.  [Editors' Note pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1996. The Concrete Curtain. [creative nonfiction essay] Alligator Juniper , volume 2, pages 65-67.   [pdf]

Fleischner, T.L. 1996. "Pipit Lake." [poem] Pages 77-78 in Cass Adams, ed. The Soul unearthed: celebrating wildness and personal renewal through nature. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, New York.


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